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Chinese Medicine For Cough, Sore Throats, and Phlegm – Fall Weather

The seasons are changing and Fall is upon us. For many people, Fall is one of the most cozy and comforting times of year. However, a lot of people also experience lots of health issues in Fall.

What we want to do here at Best Chinese Medicines is help you tackle those issues before they actually start to affect your health and affect your enjoyment of Fall. So what you want to do in Fall is you want to protect your lungs and your large intestine. These are the two organs that are associated with Fall in Chinese medicine. So during this time they can become a little bit imbalanced or unsettled.

So lung is pretty easy to understand. Lots of us end up having issues with sinus congestion, coughs, asthma. The lung is also associated with skin, so you might notice some skin dryness – anything having to do with sinus or mucous membranes. We’re going to want to really make sure we’re nourished, hydrated, and fighting any sort of potential infections. So we’ve got some products here at Best Chinese Medicines that can help you tackle your lung issues.

Now the large intestine we can think of in a little bit of a different way. Obviously the large intestine also corresponds to things like constipation or diarrhea or digestive issues, and we’re going to want to make sure that we’re tackling those issues as well, but the large intestine in Chinese medicine has the important job of either holding on or letting go, and this can relate to both physical things as well as emotional things.

So during this time, this season, it’s good to kind of come inward and just like the trees do in Fall let go of your leaves let go of the things that are no longer serving you and work towards having more peace and serenity from fall into the winter months.

So things that can help you with that are one of our most popular and and favorite formulas here at Best Chinese Medicines, which is Xiao Yao Wan. This helps to keep your chi moving, your blood flowing, and your emotions regulated. This helps with the added stress of Fall and helps you kind of navigate any sort of emotional challenges that you might experience during the season.

Other things to pay attention to in Fall are your immune system. There’s so many germs and flu viruses and things like that going around in Fall and with the transition of seasons often times our immune systems can become a little bit weakened, a little bit not as strong as they could be. They’re being tested, so we want to pay really good attention to our immune system in Fall.

The way you can do that is through one of our most famous old classic formulas called You Ping Fung Sun. This formula is called jade screen tablets. A jade screen was used in the olden days to prevent excess wind and the elements from getting into to disrupt people and cause health issues. So these pills are like your very own internal jade screen. They prevent these outside external influences from coming in and wreaking havoc on your health. So taking it taking this in Fall can help you prevent those seasonal colds, flus, allergies, and just give your immune system that extra little help that it needs to stay healthy.

There’s so much to enjoy in Fall, so I hope you stay healthy and have a wonderful, wonderful season. Thanks.