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Home » Xin Yi Hua – Magnolia Flower – Flos Magnoliae

Xin Yi Hua – Magnolia Flower – Flos Magnoliae

Xin Yi Hua

English Name: magnolia flower, yulan magnolia flower bud, sprenger magnolia flower bud, biond magnolia flower bud

Pharmaceutical name: Flos Magnoliae

Medica Category: Wind-Cold Releasing Herbs

Properties: Xin Yi Hua enters the Lung and Stomach channels; it is acrid in nature and warm in temperature.

What is Xin Yi Hua?:

The Chinese Herb Xin Yi Hua is the compact flower bud from one of three different species of magnolia trees that grow native in China. The buds are harvested before blooming so they retain their natural oils and fragrance (i.e. in order to remain effective as medicine).

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapeutic Actions of Xin Yi Hua:

Xin Yi Hua unblocks nasal obstructions due to (mild) wind-cold invasion and is used to treat rhinitis and sinusitis where the sense of smell has been lost.  It is also effective at draining nasal discharge due to nasal obstruction.

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