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Home » Ye Ming Sha – Bat Droppings – Excrementum Vespertilionis Murini

Ye Ming Sha – Bat Droppings – Excrementum Vespertilionis Murini

Ye Ming Sha

English Name: bat droppings

Pharmaceutical Name: Ecrementum Vespertilionis Murini

Medica Category: Blood-Invigorating and Stasis-Removing Herbs

Properties: Ye Ming Sha enters the Liver channel; it is acrid in nature and cold in temperature.

What is Ye Ming Sha?:

The Chinese Herb Ye Ming Sha is the dried excrement from the Asian parti-colored bat (Vesperlitis superans Thomas; syn. Vespertilio sinensis Peters). The droppings are wrapped in a cheesecloth and decocted for use as medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapeutic Actions of Ye Ming Sha:

Ye Ming Sha clears Liver heat and benefits the eyes and is used in cases of visual obstruction, night blindness, and cataracts to improve vision (only when blood stasis is present).

Ye Ming Sha is added to formulas with other qi and blood activating herbs to disperse bruises and resolve blood stasis.

safety notes:

Use with caution/under supervision during pregnancy.

Contraindicated for eye disorders without blood stasis as a component of the pattern diagnosis.

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