Bai Zhu Tang (White Atractylodes Liquid Tincture):
Bai Zhu Tang (White Atractylodes Liquid Tincture) is a made from the dried rhizome of the White Atracylodes plant. This herb is widely used in Chinese Medicine formulas (e.g. in Si Zun Zi Tang for poor digestion and in Shen Ling Bai Zhu Tang for poor digestion w/watery diarrhea) to provide a gentle boost to digestive processes and to leech out excess dampness from the stomach and large intestines.
Add a few drops of this herbal supplement to your daily regimen to address such issues as:
- shortness of breath
- fatigue
- sallow complexion
- decreased food intake/poor appetite
- watery loose stools
Often, a puffy tongue with teeth marks around the edges and a crack right down the middle can be an indicator toward the use of this herb.
Bai Zhu also addresses problems that appear when the body’s water cycle is dysregulated due to fluid retention. Add this herb to a supplement regimen to address such clinical presentations as edema, ascites, and other conditions of water retention in the chest, abdomen, and large intestines.
Made in USA
Shake Well before each use.
Maintenance Serving: Dissolve 1-2 droppers (1/2 tsp.) in warm water or juice 2-3 times daily.
Augmented Serving: Take 1 full tsp. 2 to 3 times daily in warm water or juice or as directed by a qualified herbalist familiar with the use of Chinese herbs and formulas.
To evaporate alcohol place in hot water.
Amount: 1 oz.