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Health & Lifestyle Articles

Health Tonics and Wellbeing; at its core, Chinese Herbal Medicine is a preventative medical system. When the main TCM principles of harmony, balance, tonification, and holistic wellness are adhered to, we can live long, healthy lives. The principles of TCM can also help us maintain a happy outlook and good mental health. Let’s dive into learn more about staying healthy and boosting our wellbeing with Chinese medicine.

  • Live the Zen Lifestyle with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Live the Zen Lifestyle with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Does overwhelming stress have you craving more peace and serenity in your life? Chronic stress is one of the most significant issues facing us today. Aside from impacting our mental and emotional health, stress causes severe health issues. In fact, it is estimated that 77% of our physical health issues are caused, worsened, or somehow…

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  • Best Adaptogens for Energy

    Best Adaptogens for Energy

    Do you struggle with fatigue? Or want to wake up each day with more “pep in your step?” If so, adaptogens for energy could help you gain the energy you crave. Adaptogen herbs are a natural way to relieve stress, boost your energy, and live with more vitality. They can help nearly anyone have a…

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  • Prevention is the Best Medicine

    Prevention is the Best Medicine

    You’ve likely heard that prevention is the best medicine – and it’s true! Staying healthy is a lot easier than healing from illness, but we must put the time and energy into maintaining our good health. Sometimes it helps to think about your body as you would your car. A car needs check-ups, diagnostics, refueling,…

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  • Boost Your Energy with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Boost Your Energy with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    How many times a day do you look forward to your next cup of coffee, an energy drink, a nap, or even just to make it home so you can land in your bed? We are an energy-depleted society with busy schedules, poor sleep habits, and little time for proper rest. Furthermore, certain medications, environmental…

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  • Three Formulas to Help You Through the Holiday Season and Beyond

    Three Formulas to Help You Through the Holiday Season and Beyond

    Welcome back to the members of our growing community of people interested in improving their overall health and sense of balance in their lives through the use of Chinese herbal formulas. Today’s article will take an in-depth look at three formulas that could prove to be quite handy to have around during the Holiday season:…

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  • Supercharge Your Metabolism & Thyroid Health with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Supercharge Your Metabolism & Thyroid Health with Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Spring is here and as our part of the world starts to warm up, many of us begin to think about dropping a few pounds or improving our energy. And there’s no better time!  In spring, the Earth awakens and everything seems to come alive with it. The buzzing energy of the season (and better…

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  • The Best Chinese Herbs for Anti-Aging

    The Best Chinese Herbs for Anti-Aging

    Tired of spending money on expensive anti-aging serums? Are you hoping to avoid invasive cosmetic procedures? Simply want to feel as young as possible for as long as possible? Chinese herbs for anti-aging may be the answer you’re looking for. Chinese herbal medicine has long been used to help people age gracefully. From wrinkle prevention…

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  • Chinese Herbal Soups – Eat Your Medicine

    Chinese Herbal Soups – Eat Your Medicine

    Although it was Hippocrates who was quoted for the famous line, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” this concept has been an integral part of Chinese medicine for millennia. Food therapy is often the first line of defense in Chinese medicine for conditions that are mild in nature or based in…

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Articles Related To Category: Health & Lifestyle Articles

  • Ever feel like your heart is dancing to its own beat? You may be experiencing Atrial Fibrillation (commonly known as AFib), which is a condition that causes irregular heartbeats. Having frequent palpitations or an irregular heartbeat can be quite unsettling, plus it may bring potential health risks along with it. While modern medicine offers various…

  • Struggling to breathe? That’s a feeling no one wants to experience. Unfortunately, for over 262 million people across the world, conditions like asthma can quite literally “take your breath away.” But beyond inhalers and mediations, is there anything you can do to reduce asthma attacks – or even stop them from occurring altogether? Asthma is…

  • Ah, fall – the season of vibrant leaves, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced everything. But for many, it also brings the less-than-pleasant arrival of fall allergies. If you’re one of those people sneezing and sniffling your way through the autumn months, you’re not alone. The constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose can make it difficult…

  • From a nagging tickle in your throat to a painful hack, coughing can be an uncomfortable and annoying symptom. But before you reach for the drugstore cough medicine, Chinese herbs for cough may offer faster relief and longer-lasting benefits. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), coughing is often seen as a sign of an imbalance in…

  • Chinese Herbs and COVID-19: A Natural Way to Improve Symptoms and Immunity While the fearful frenzy of the pandemic may feel behind us. But, COVID and other viruses still threaten our well-being, and millions of people are struggling with the effects of long COVID. If the pandemic taught us anything, it was how important having…